Soulmates Never Say Goodbye
I thought he was my
soulmate. Then why
did he leave me?"
believe soulmates come for a reason and a season. Not every romance
ends in wedding bells. And not every soulmate we meet is our romantic
partner. But every soulmate comes to learn a lesson and something to
teach our souls. One of the reasons he may have left could be because
karmas were completed. He learnt what he needed to, or you learnt what
you had to. Painful as it seems, some lessons may include letting go.
Or most importantly learning to love unconditionally which is perhaps
the greatest lesson we need to learn from our soulmates. If you can
learn to love him whether or not he is in your life in a state of full
acceptance you do evolve as a soul. And finally, soulmates do reappear
in our lifetime. Sometimes we just know we are going to meet them again.
Do all soulmates have to be romantic?
at all. Soulmates are kindred spirits with whom we have a deep,
inexplicable connection. There are lessons to share and a whole lot of
love to discover. Soulmates can be family, friends, even co-workers! I
believe my son is my soulmate and I remember the first time I
discovered it. He was 3 months old, lying in my lap, our eyes met and
it all made sense. And at the end of it both of us were laughing out
loud with joy. Remember, we can have many soulmates. Each one of them
special, unique and memorable.
My soulmate is my opposite. Can that
be possible?
And doesn't it make life more interesting that way? When your qualities
complement one another, there's more to learn. Take for instance a
couple where one is an extrovert always looking for a reason to party,
and the other one prefers to stay at home cuddling up in front of the
television. They reach an understanding where they go out few nights a
week stay home together for rest of the week. Each one has taught the
other the importance of socializing and solitude, thus setting the
Soulmates come in all shapes and sizes. And truly, one size doesn't
fit all. When we learn to accept and appreciate our loved ones just as
they are, with their strengths and their flaws we find a more peace and
come a closer towards discovering the truest meaning of meeting your
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