الجمعة، 1 يونيو 2012

(¯`*•أهـل الشام•*´¯) Morning Coffee __ القهوة الصباحية

"Dissipate fear of failure by rediscovering the child within."
Look at a young child working on a project – cutting with little plastic scissors, drawing with crayons, taping the loose ends, with never a thought of failure.
No matter what the outcome, a child always feels a sense of pride and accomplishment.
This same child is within you; the child that does not worry about failure or being judged for trying.
It's not very often that things turn out right on the first try. That's okay! Just accept that trial and error are part of the process and learn from your mistakes. Children persevere, try again and learn.
The secret that every child knows is that there is no such thing as failure. Now you know it, too!


Always be true to yourself

Be true to the light that is deep within you. Hold on to your joy for life. Keep good thoughts in your mind and good feelings in your heart. Keep love in your life , and you will find the love in everyone.

Be giving , forgiving , patient , and kind. Have faith in yourself. Be your own best friend , and listen to the voice that tells you to be your best self.

Be true to yourself in the paths that you choose. Follow your talents and passions ; don't take the roads others say you must follow because they are the most popular.

Most of all , never forget that there is no brighter light than the one within you. Keep on being true to yourself. Keep shining your light on others so they will have a reason to smile. Follow your inner light to your own personal greatness , and remember that you are admired and loved just as you are.




Energy of your passion
If you don't like the problems and shortcomings in your life and in your world, stop giving so much of your attention to them. Instead of being sick and tired and upset about the way things are, be positively passionate about the way you would like things to be.
You will naturally attract into your experience those things you focus on most passionately. The problem is, you move in the direction of what you passionately despise just as surely as you move toward what you passionately desire.
So make a conscious decision to let go of the focus on what you despise, and replace it with focus on what you truly desire. Get the power of your passion working full time in your favour.
Instead of obsessing about what's wrong, challenge yourself to visualize in great detail about what would make it right. Then make use of all those details to put your vision into action.
It's great to be passionate about something, because passion can bring an endless supply of energy to your life. And the power of your passion makes it important that you point it in a positive direction.
For every single thing that stirs up your passion, there is a positive way forward. Choose to find that way, to follow it, and to transform the energy of your passion into great and lasting value.



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