الاثنين، 30 أبريل 2012

(¯`*•أهـل الشام•*´¯) 15 Amazing Photos Of The Desert


15 Amazing Photos Of The Desert

Sand dunes, Rub al Khali.


Oasis Huakachina, Peru

The dried bed of the river, the desert of Sonora, Mexico

 Namib Desert and the Atlantic Ocean, Namibia

 El Ma Lake Ouema, Libya

White Desert, Egypt

Pinnakls Desert, Western Australia

Artificially irrigated fields, Jordan

The dunes, Rub al Khali - the boundaries of four countries - Saudi Arabia, Oman, Yemen and the United Arab Emirates

Solar Power Plant, Mojave Desert, California, USA

Dune devastated Road , Egypt

Oasis "crescent" in the Gobi Desert

Train in the desert, South Australia

Takla Makan Desert, China

National Park Lençóis Maranhenses, Brazil

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