الثلاثاء، 31 يناير 2012

[[Net2us]] لوحات فنية ترسم بالدم البشري .... فن غريب

اذا اعجبكم الايميل يكفيني دعوة بالغيب
لا مراسلات ولا اضافة

It starts with researching several photographs, so I can set the first collage. From this, I stencil the image on paper, usually with the three main colors of Blood Piss Blues, which are red, green/yellow and dark blue, as a reference to the RGB color system.

To each one of these colors, I add a specific amount of blood, depending on the tone. Green/yellow receives less blood and I also add urine. Red takes a lot more, but also uses real paint. This is because it's hard to get blood, since I use only mine. I can get like 450 ml every two months. Blood is taken at the hospital, with the help of professionals. I never considered using anyone else's blood and I've never caused any harm to another living creature. It's not something satanic or spiritual. (I'm actually an atheist).

When the image is ready, it receives computer retouches and special blood for things that can't really be drawn (like the screens on telemptyness). Then, I can enlarge it to the second collage, which is displayed on the streets.

I've been taking a break since March, saving some blood. People often want to offer me their blood, but I advise them to donate it to blood banks, which need it much more than art.


 جروب حب رسول الله

جروب لحياة احلى ( جروب تربوي نفسي يدعو للتفاؤل وتغيير عيوبنا )ـ

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